

  1. survey.png
    Machine Learning Augmented Branch and Bound for Mixed Integer Linear Programming
    Lara Scavuzzo, Karen Aardal, Andrea Lodi, and 1 more author
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.05501, 2024


  1. OR Letters
    A study of lattice reformulations for integer programming
    Karen Aardal, Lara Scavuzzo, and Laurence A. Wolsey
    Operations Research Letters, 2023
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    Optimal entanglement distribution policies in homogeneous repeater chains with cutoffs
    Álvaro G Iñesta, Gayane Vardoyan, Lara Scavuzzo, and 1 more author
    npj Quantum Information, 2023


  1. NeurIPS
    Learning to branch with Tree MDPs
    Lara Scavuzzo, Feng Chen, Didier Chételat, and 4 more authors
    Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2022
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    The machine learning for combinatorial optimization competition (ml4co): Results and insights
    Maxime Gasse, Simon Bowly, Quentin Cappart, and 19 more authors
    In NeurIPS 2021 Competitions and Demonstrations Track, 2022


  1. ecole-logo.png
    Ecole: A gym-like library for machine learning in combinatorial optimization solvers
    Antoine Prouvost, Justin Dumouchelle, Lara Scavuzzo, and 3 more authors
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.06069, 2020


  1. Electromagnetically induced transparency of on-demand single photons in a hybrid quantum network
    Lucas Schweickert, Klaus D Jöns, Mehdi Namazi, and 8 more authors
    arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.05921, 2018