Lara Scavuzzo


I am a PhD candidate at TU Delft (The Netherlands) working in algorithms for Integer Programming under the supervision of Karen Aardal. My research lies at the intersection of Optimization and Machine Learning. I am interested in building fast and adaptive algorithms to solve pressing industrial and societal decision-making problems. I am also passionate about software development and baking! 🥐

Before starting my PhD I obtained my Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics at TU Delft (cum laude), and my Bachelor’s degree in Physics at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.


Feb 11, 2024 Paper online Our methodological survey on Machine Learning methods for branch-and-bound is now accesible online.
May 12, 2023 Paper accepted! Our study of lattice reformulations has been accepted and is now online.
Apr 26, 2023 Invited talk at the MATH+ workshop on Machine Learning, Physics and Optimization.

selected publications

  1. survey.png
    Machine Learning Augmented Branch and Bound for Mixed Integer Linear Programming
    Lara Scavuzzo, Karen Aardal, Andrea Lodi, and 1 more author
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.05501, 2024
  2. OR Letters
    A study of lattice reformulations for integer programming
    Karen Aardal, Lara Scavuzzo, and Laurence A. Wolsey
    Operations Research Letters, 2023
  3. NeurIPS
    Learning to branch with Tree MDPs
    Lara Scavuzzo, Feng Chen, Didier Chételat, and 4 more authors
    Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2022